Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Why DDX Files Service Medics unbelievable images

Welcome to the DDX Files

The DDX Files (Difficult Diagnosis X Files), a term coined by one of our technicians Weston Steele- Odd cleaning/ restoration experiences that require the technician to expand their mind to created the desired out come. Our desire is to solve all these incredible challenges that is why we are in business, that is what makes us a great company.  We have become dedicated to solving your difficulties and it has improved our processes in-turn that these results have become standard everyday occurrences.  We are the flooring experts.  See for yourself before after pictures   Much of the work we do we cant take photos so due to our client request we will some times only include written descriptions of the work we have done.  I had someone bring to my attentions that experts online blog about what they do and they have followers.  Since I am indeed an expert in a few fields that include Tile Cleaning and restoration,  Carpet cleaning, Restoration and Repair and Stone Restoration. I have started this blog and will be setting up accounts on LinkedIn, Twitter and a few other sources.  Follow me if you can.  I am hard to keep up with!

Do you have a challenging issue?  Put us to the test! You will be glad you did.
Give me a call! 816-288-0512 or email me at jcrockett@usa.com

Finally, A Clean You Can See!  How many times have you heard it is as clean as it can get?  We will get it cleaner!

And they said it was not cleanable! We offer a clean you can finally see! And a contractor you can finally trust!

Check us out on facebook or  our website

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